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'Not A Member of Object' Error

I think I'm beginning to like this coding stuff. Anyway in my current Shooting Gallery project I have a JavaScript question. I'm building in Unity3d and I get a "transform" is not a member of "Object" error on the code inserted below.

var newball;
static var tempBasketBall :Rigidbody;
private var canFire = true;
var pos :Transform[];
var ball1 :Rigidbody;
var canControl1 = true;
var destroyTime :int = 6;
var player1 :GameObject;
var b1Parent :Transform;

var yVel :float;
var zVel :float;

function Start()
    ball1 = Instantiate (tempBasketBall, pos[0].position, pos[0].rotation);
    ball1.transform.parent = b1Parent;

function Update() { 
        animation.PlayQueued("fire", QueueMode.PlayNow);   

function TapFunction() {
    animation.PlayQueued("fire", QueueMode.PlayNow);
    ball1.transform.parent = null;
    ball1.useGravity = true;
    ball1.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(0, yVel, zVel);
    canControl1 = false;

function MakeBall1(pos)
    yield new WaitForSeconds(1);
    ball1 = Instantiate(tempBasketBall, pos.transform.position, pos.transform.rotation);
    ball1.transform.parent = b1Parent;
    canControl1 = true;

The error is in the MakeBall function at the end. To my untrained mind, it seems I established the transform in the start function. As usual any assistance and shared knowledge will be tremendously appreciated.


  • Transform(you are passing as argument an onject of this tipe) does not have a "transform" member,you should use pos.position