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Updating previous row data with unique ID using new data dropped at the same sheet in Excel

This is more for optimization purposes, as the code currently works based on my workflow, but it can take a while when there are thousands of rows to process.

Essentially, my current workflow involves appending monthly data to a sheet with client name included. Each client is tied with a unique ID. Of course, client names get changed over time, and it messes up the pivot table linked to this sheet when that happens.

My solution is to sort the sheet based on the Unique ID of the client, then the date of the row, from newest to oldest. Then, run a macro that will copy the topmost data downwards, since the topmost data would be the newest name for the client.

Are there any further optimizations I could do for this code to make it run faster for bigger datasets? It starts to chug when it's processing over 100K rows.

'A code to disable screenupdates, calculations, etc already runs before this code.
'ColID = Column that contains the Unique ID. Ex: Column S.
'ColRangeStart & ColRangeEnd select which columns from the top are being copied. Ex: Column T:V
For i = 3 To lrow - 1 Step 1
    With ActiveSheet
        If .Range(ColID & i).Value <> "" Then
            IDToFind = .Range(ColID & i).Value
            lastFoundRow = .Columns(ColID).Find(What:=IDToFind, Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            If .Range(ColID & i).Row = lastFoundRow Then
                GoTo SkipLoop
                If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range(ColRangeStart & i & ":" & ColRangeEnd & i)) <> 0 Then
                    .Range(ColRangeStart & i & ":" & ColRangeEnd & i).Copy .Range(ColRangeStart & i & ":" & ColRangeEnd & lastFoundRow)
                    i = lastFoundRow
                End If
            End If
            .Range(ColID & i & ":" & ColRangeEnd & i).Copy .Range(ColID & i + 1 & ":" & ColRangeEnd & i + 1)
            GoTo SkipLoop
        End If
    End With
    ProgressBar.lblCount.Caption = "Processing " & i & " out of " & lrow - 1 'Got a GUI Progress bar for this code
    ShowProgress (i)


  • Something like this would be much faster: pulling the data into arrays is quicker than iterating over cells on the worksheet row-by-row.

    Sub Tester()
        Dim rngId As Range, arrId, rngInfo As Range, arrInfo, currId, idRow As Long, id
        Dim r As Long, c As Long, ubInfoCols As Long, lrow As Long, ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = ActiveSheet
        lrow = ws.Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        Set rngId = ws.Range("S3:S" & lrow)
        arrId = rngId.Value  'read all id's
        Set rngInfo = ws.Range("T3:V" & lrow)
        arrInfo = rngInfo.Value 'read all info
        ubInfoCols = UBound(arrInfo, 2) '# of cols
        currId = Chr(0) ' any unlikely value
        For r = 1 To UBound(arrId, 1)
            id = arrId(r, 1)
            If Len(id) > 0 Then      'any id present?
                If id <> currId Then 'new Id?
                    currId = id 'set to current id
                    idRow = r   'remember start row
                    'same id: copy info down
                    For c = 1 To ubInfoCols
                        arrInfo(r, c) = arrInfo(idRow, c)
                    Next c
                End If
            End If
        Next r
        rngInfo.Value = arrInfo 'update info column data
    End Sub