With streamlit, I am setting a heavy function to cache_data
type to avoid recalculation. Since the function is time consuming, I also want to create a progress bar inside it. However, I find the it cannot work with cache_data
The following is a MWE
import streamlit as st
from time import sleep
@st.cache_data(show_spinner = False)
def showProgressBar():
cur = 0
total = 100
my_bar = st.progress(cur / total, text = "%d / %d" % (cur, total))
while cur < total:
cur = cur + 1
my_bar.progress(cur / total, text = "%d / %d" % (cur, total))
### Main ###
st.set_page_config(page_title="Test Progress In Cache Function", page_icon=":bar_chart:",layout="wide")
st.title(" :bar_chart: Test")
st.text('Test Finish')
Turn out the bar never shows up with such code. But if I comment out the @st.cache_data
line, the progress bar works as expected.
In This thread similar problem is mentioned about progress
and st.cache
, the workaround seems to be related to suppress_st_warning = True
, however with the depreciation of st.cache
, this parameter seems no longer available to st.cache_data
Anyone can provide some help here?
If your heavy calculation is sleep(0.05)
, here is a way to do it. This piece of code extracts the heavy calculation out of the progress bar handling making sure the cache_data
decorator can be used only on non-Streamlit operations:
import streamlit as st
from time import sleep
from random import randint
@st.cache_data(show_spinner = False)
def do_heavy_calc(n):
print(f"First time seeing {n}")
def showProgressBar():
cur = 0
total = 100
my_bar = st.progress(cur / total, text = "%d / %d" % (cur, total))
while cur < total:
n = randint(1, 100)
# Add a random number since I suppose you don't want to run
# the exact same function everytime(?)
cur = cur + 1
my_bar.progress(cur / total, text = "%d / %d" % (cur, total))
### Main ###
st.set_page_config(page_title="Test Progress In Cache Function", page_icon=":bar_chart:",layout="wide")
st.title(" :bar_chart: Test")
st.text('Test Finish')
If however you wanted to keep track of one long function that you call only once, you can convert it to a generator that yields the current step at which the do_heavy_calc
function is currently at. I don't recommend this however (it feels a bit hacky), but it seems to work fine in my tests.
Two things to note:
is replaced by cache_resource
since cache_data
raises streamlit.runtime.caching.cache_errors.UnserializableReturnValueError
) in front of the 2 input arguments: this is to ensure that they will not be used for caching purposes. See this streamlit documentation page at section "Excluding input parameters".import streamlit as st
from time import sleep
@st.cache_resource(show_spinner = False)
def do_heavy_calc(_cur, _total):
while _cur < _total:
# yield where you are so that the progress bar on the outside can
# keep track
yield _cur
_cur = _cur + 1
def showProgressBar():
min_ = 0
max_ = 100
my_bar = st.progress(min_ / max_, text = "%d / %d" % (min_, max_))
for c in do_heavy_calc(0, max_):
my_bar.progress(c / max_, text = "%d / %d" % (c, max_))
### Main ###
st.set_page_config(page_title="Test Progress In Cache Function", page_icon=":bar_chart:",layout="wide")
st.title(" :bar_chart: Test")
st.text('Test Finish')