I'm trying to call the batch script with password looking like:
Unfortunately, all my tries finish with result of:
The "^" character is omitted and I don't know how to force in script to read argument with this char.
I have the line of code (where PASS is localization of file with passwords):
set PASS=%~1
set USR=%~2
set passwd=
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in (%PASS%) do (
if %%a==%USR% (
set "passwd=%%b"
And I call this func in command line:
call script.cmd get_pass C:\Doc\pass.ini USR do set passwd=%%i
echo %passwd%
-> ABC=abc
The result is always without ^ char. I've tried a different combination of double quotes around argument like: "passwd=%%b", passwd="%%b", but it didn't work.
I'll be very grateful for your help!
Thanks, Kamil
The correct value is already stored in the variable, but your echo %passwd%
is the problem.
You could check the value by
set passwd
And use the value with delayed expansion instead
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !passwd!