IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.6 (Community Edition)
I've created multi-module project with one parent module and 2 child modules. The idea of mulit-module came to me after I was struggling with monolith application so I've rebuilded it. At that point there was no problem with resource folder, liquibase or banner. After this separation my Liquibase library stopped working, and banner stopped showing up.
Current structure of my project is:
|----Child A
|----Child B
Also in process of lunching any of child modules no target folder is generated, only 'out' file in parent module which contains only pom.xml, docker-compose.yml, .env and .idea files.
This issue with resources causes my banner not to show up and liquibase throwing error: "Liquibase failed to start because no changelog could be found at 'classpath:db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yml'" Looks like the whole resource file is 'missed' in process.
Temporary solution to this problem is to reimport child modules but problem returns.
EDIT: I've specified in pom.xml resource file localisation and it still doesnt work. pom resources config
I've found solution to that error. In this case I manually decided to set packaging to pom in pom.xml file. That causes distrubance in application building process. So to make it work I had to delete: