Search code examples

Excel vba with nested loops keeps giving incorrect counts

I have a network dataset where each student (ego) is supposed to select up to 10 close friends. I have used a macro to do the following:

  1. For each ego in column A, search for its occurrence in columns B to K (which indicates a nomination by a friend)
  2. For every occurrence of the ego in columns B to K, compare its class and SEN with the person who nominated him/her via a vlookup list (columns M,N,O).
  3. Then, output the counts in columns Q to X. The headers represent the permutations of friendship nominations. For instance, "YY_SC" inidicates being selected by a student from the same class("SC") and SEN ("YY").


Sub CompareData()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim egoRow As Range
    Dim friend1 As Range
    Dim friend2 As Range
Dim friend3 As Range
Dim friend4 As Range
Dim friend5 As Range
Dim friend6 As Range
Dim friend7 As Range
Dim friend8 As Range
Dim friend9 As Range
Dim friend10 As Range

    Dim egoClass As String
    Dim egoSEN As String
    Dim friend1Class As String
    Dim friend1SEN As String
    Dim friend2Class As String
    Dim friend2SEN As String
   Dim friend3Class As String
    Dim friend3SEN As String
Dim friend4Class As String
    Dim friend4SEN As String
Dim friend5Class As String
    Dim friend5SEN As String
Dim friend6Class As String
    Dim friend6SEN As String
Dim friend7Class As String
    Dim friend7SEN As String
Dim friend8Class As String
    Dim friend8SEN As String
Dim friend9Class As String
    Dim friend9SEN As String
Dim friend10Class As String
    Dim friend10SEN As String

    Dim yyocCount As Integer
    Dim nnocCount As Integer
    Dim ynocCount As Integer
    Dim nyocCount As Integer
    Dim yyscCount As Integer
    Dim nnscCount As Integer
    Dim ynscCount As Integer
    Dim nyscCount As Integer
    Dim scOnlyCount As Integer
    Dim ocOnlyCount As Integer

    ' Set the worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change "Sheet1" to your actual sheet name
    ' Find the last row of data
    lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    ' Loop through each row
    For Each egoRow In ws.Range("A2:A" & lastRow)
        yyocCount = 0 ' Reset count for each ego
        nnocCount = 0 
        ynocCount = 0
        nyocCount = 0
        yyscCount = 0
        nnscCount = 0
        ynscCount = 0
        nyscCount = 0
        scOnlyCount = 0
        ocOnlyCount = 0
        ' Get ego's class and SEN
        egoClass = ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 14).Value ' Class column
        egoSEN = ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 15).Value ' SEN column
Dim startRowFriend1 as Long
startRowFriend1 = 2

        ' Find all occurrences of ego in friend1 column
        Set friend1 = ws.Range("B2:B" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        ' Loop through each occurrence of ego in friend1
        Do Until friend1 Is Nothing
            ' Get the row where ego is found in friend1
            Dim friend1RowNumber As Long
            friend1RowNumber = friend1.Row
            ' Get the class and SEN of friend1
            friend1Class = ws.Cells(friend1RowNumber, 14).Value ' Class value of friend1
            friend1SEN = ws.Cells(friend1RowNumber, 15).Value ' SEN value of friend1

            ' Compare ego's class and SEN with friend1's class and SEN
            If egoClass <> friend1Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend1SEN = "Y" Then
                yyocCount = yyocCount + 1 ' Increment yyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend1Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend1SEN = "N" Then
                nnocCount = nnocCount + 1 ' Increment nnocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend1Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend1SEN = "Y" Then
                ynocCount = ynocCount + 1 ' Increment ynocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend1Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend1SEN = "N" Then
                nyocCount = nyocCount + 1 ' Increment nyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend1Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend1SEN = "Y" Then
                yyscCount = yyscCount + 1 ' Increment yyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend1Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend1SEN = "N" Then
                nnscCount = nnscCount + 1 ' Increment nnscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend1Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend1SEN = "Y" Then
                ynscCount = ynscCount + 1 ' Increment ynscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend1Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend1SEN = "N" Then
                nyscCount = nyscCount + 1 ' Increment nyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend1Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend1SEN = "") Then
                scOnlyCount = scOnlyCount + 1 
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend1Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend1SEN = "") Then
                ocOnlyCount = ocOnlyCount + 1 
            End If
            ' Look for next occurrence of ego in friend1 column
            Set friend1 = ws.Range("B" & startRowFriend1 + 1 & ":B" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

Dim startRowFriend2 as Long
startRowFriend2 = 2
        ' Find all occurrences of ego in friend2 column
        Set friend2 = ws.Range("C2:C" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        ' Loop through each occurrence of ego in friend2
        Do Until friend2 Is Nothing
            ' Get the row where ego is found in friend2
            Dim friend2RowNumber As Long
            friend2RowNumber = friend2.Row
            ' Get the class and SEN of friend2
            friend2Class = ws.Cells(friend2RowNumber, 14).Value ' Class value of friend2
            friend2SEN = ws.Cells(friend2RowNumber, 15).Value ' SEN value of friend2

            ' Compare ego's class and SEN with friend2's class and SEN
            If egoClass <> friend2Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend2SEN = "Y" Then
                yyocCount = yyocCount + 1 ' Increment yyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend2Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend2SEN = "N" Then
                nnocCount = nnocCount + 1 ' Increment nnocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend2Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend2SEN = "Y" Then
                ynocCount = ynocCount + 1 ' Increment ynocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend2Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend2SEN = "N" Then
                nyocCount = nyocCount + 1 ' Increment nyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend2Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend2SEN = "Y" Then
                yyscCount = yyscCount + 1 ' Increment yyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend2Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend2SEN = "N" Then
                nnscCount = nnscCount + 1 ' Increment nnscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend2Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend2SEN = "Y" Then
                ynscCount = ynscCount + 1 ' Increment ynscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend2Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend2SEN = "N" Then
                nyscCount = nyscCount + 1 ' Increment nyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend2Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend2SEN = "") Then
                scOnlyCount = scOnlyCount + 1 
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend2Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend2SEN = "") Then
                ocOnlyCount = ocOnlyCount + 1 
            End If
            ' Look for next occurrence of ego in friend2 column
            Set friend2 = ws.Range("C" & startRowFriend2 + 1 & ":C" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

Dim startRowFriend8 as Long
startRowFriend8 = 2

    ' Find all occurrences of ego in friend8 column
        Set friend8 = ws.Range("I2:I" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        ' Loop through each occurrence of ego in friend8
        Do Until friend8 Is Nothing
            ' Get the row where ego is found in friend8
            Dim friend8RowNumber As Long
            friend8RowNumber = friend8.Row
            ' Get the class and SEN of friend8
            friend8Class = ws.Cells(friend8RowNumber, 14).Value ' Class value of friend8
            friend8SEN = ws.Cells(friend8RowNumber, 15).Value ' SEN value of friend8

            ' Compare ego's class and SEN with friend8's class and SEN
            If egoClass <> friend8Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend8SEN = "Y" Then
                yyocCount = yyocCount + 1 ' Increment yyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend8Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend8SEN = "N" Then
                nnocCount = nnocCount + 1 ' Increment nnocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend8Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend8SEN = "Y" Then
                ynocCount = ynocCount + 1 ' Increment ynocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend8Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend8SEN = "N" Then
                nyocCount = nyocCount + 1 ' Increment nyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend8Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend8SEN = "Y" Then
                yyscCount = yyscCount + 1 ' Increment yyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend8Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend8SEN = "N" Then
                nnscCount = nnscCount + 1 ' Increment nnscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend8Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend8SEN = "Y" Then
                ynscCount = ynscCount + 1 ' Increment ynscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend8Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend8SEN = "N" Then
                nyscCount = nyscCount + 1 ' Increment nyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend8Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend8SEN = "") Then
                scOnlyCount = scOnlyCount + 1 
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend8Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend8SEN = "") Then
                ocOnlyCount = ocOnlyCount + 1 
            End If
            ' Look for next occurrence of ego in friend8 column
            Set friend8 = ws.Range("I" & startRowFriend8 + 1 & ":I" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

Dim startRowFriend9 as Long
startRowFriend9 = 2

    ' Find all occurrences of ego in friend9 column
        Set friend9 = ws.Range("J2:J" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        ' Loop through each occurrence of ego in friend9
        Do Until friend9 Is Nothing
            ' Get the row where ego is found in friend9
            Dim friend9RowNumber As Long
            friend9RowNumber = friend9.Row
            ' Get the class and SEN of friend9
            friend9Class = ws.Cells(friend9RowNumber, 14).Value ' Class value of friend9
            friend9SEN = ws.Cells(friend9RowNumber, 15).Value ' SEN value of friend9

            ' Compare ego's class and SEN with friend9's class and SEN
            If egoClass <> friend9Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend9SEN = "Y" Then
                yyocCount = yyocCount + 1 ' Increment yyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend9Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend9SEN = "N" Then
                nnocCount = nnocCount + 1 ' Increment nnocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend9Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend9SEN = "Y" Then
                ynocCount = ynocCount + 1 ' Increment ynocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend9Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend9SEN = "N" Then
                nyocCount = nyocCount + 1 ' Increment nyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend9Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend9SEN = "Y" Then
                yyscCount = yyscCount + 1 ' Increment yyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend9Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend9SEN = "N" Then
                nnscCount = nnscCount + 1 ' Increment nnscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend9Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend9SEN = "Y" Then
                ynscCount = ynscCount + 1 ' Increment ynscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend9Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend9SEN = "N" Then
                nyscCount = nyscCount + 1 ' Increment nyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend9Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend9SEN = "") Then
                scOnlyCount = scOnlyCount + 1 
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend9Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend9SEN = "") Then
                ocOnlyCount = ocOnlyCount + 1 
            End If
            ' Look for next occurrence of ego in friend9 column
            Set friend9 = ws.Range("J" & startRowFriend9 + 1 & ":J" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

Dim startRowFriend10 as Long
startRowFriend10 = 2
    ' Find all occurrences of ego in friend10 column
        Set friend10 = ws.Range("K2:K" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        ' Loop through each occurrence of ego in friend10
        Do Until friend10 Is Nothing
            ' Get the row where ego is found in friend10
            Dim friend10RowNumber As Long
            friend10RowNumber = friend10.Row
            ' Get the class and SEN of friend10
            friend10Class = ws.Cells(friend10RowNumber, 14).Value ' Class value of friend10
            friend10SEN = ws.Cells(friend10RowNumber, 15).Value ' SEN value of friend10

            ' Compare ego's class and SEN with friend10's class and SEN
            If egoClass <> friend10Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend10SEN = "Y" Then
                yyocCount = yyocCount + 1 ' Increment yyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend10Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend10SEN = "N" Then
                nnocCount = nnocCount + 1 ' Increment nnocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend10Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend10SEN = "Y" Then
                ynocCount = ynocCount + 1 ' Increment ynocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend10Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend10SEN = "N" Then
                nyocCount = nyocCount + 1 ' Increment nyocCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend10Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend10SEN = "Y" Then
                yyscCount = yyscCount + 1 ' Increment yyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend10Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend10SEN = "N" Then
                nnscCount = nnscCount + 1 ' Increment nnscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend10Class And egoSEN = "N" And friend10SEN = "Y" Then
                ynscCount = ynscCount + 1 ' Increment ynscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend10Class And egoSEN = "Y" And friend10SEN = "N" Then
                nyscCount = nyscCount + 1 ' Increment nyscCount if conditions met
            ElseIf egoClass = friend10Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend10SEN = "") Then
                scOnlyCount = scOnlyCount + 1 
            ElseIf egoClass <> friend10Class And (egoSEN = "" Or friend10SEN = "") Then
                ocOnlyCount = ocOnlyCount + 1 
            End If
            ' Look for next occurrence of ego in friend10 column
            Set friend10 = ws.Range("K" & startRowFriend10 + 1 & ":K" & lastRow).Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

        ' Put Count under respective headers in the same row as ego
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 17).Value = yyscCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 18).Value = nyscCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 19).Value = nnscCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 20).Value = ynscCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 21).Value = yyocCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 22).Value = nyocCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 23).Value = nnocCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 24).Value = ynocCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 26).Value = scOnlyCount
        ws.Cells(egoRow.Row, 27).Value = ocOnlyCount
    Next egoRow
End Sub

However, the output seems to have a miscount of some cells, usually short of 1 count. What I was expecting: for each ego, the number of students who nominated them as close friends are reflected in columns Q to X based on their attributes vis-a-vis the ego(class and SEN).

Here is my data layout:

Column A: student ID (ego)
Columns B to K: the nominations of their close friends (up to 10)
Column M: student ID (ego)-- used for VLookUp
Column N: Class
Column O: SEN
Columns Q to X: output count

I have spent 3 days mulling over this and would appreciate any help to see this through.

sample data (simplified): enter image description here

expected output: enter image description here

Corrected Data:

Ego Friend1 Friend2 Ego Class SEN YY_SC NN_SC YN_SC NY_SC YY_OC NN_OC YN_OC NY_OC scOnly ocOnly
S1 S2 S3 S1 1A Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
S2 S3 S1 S2 1B N 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
S3 S1 S4 S3 1B Y 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
S4 S4 1A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


    • Use FindNext to look for next occurrence of ego
    • Use For loop through 10 friends cols
    • Replace If clauses with Select Case

    Microsoft documentation:

    Range.Offset property (Excel)

    Range.FindNext method (Excel)

    Option Explicit
    Sub CompareData3()
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim lastRow As Long, iRow As Long
        Dim egoRow As Range
        Dim friendRng As Range
        Dim egoClass As String
        Dim egoSEN As String
        Dim friendClass As String
        Dim friendSEN As String
        Dim yyocCount As Long
        Dim nnocCount As Long
        Dim ynocCount As Long
        Dim nyocCount As Long
        Dim yyscCount As Long
        Dim nnscCount As Long
        Dim ynscCount As Long
        Dim nyscCount As Long
        Dim scOnlyCount As Long
        Dim ocOnlyCount As Long
        ' Set the worksheet
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Validate") ' Change "Sheet1" to your actual sheet name
        ' Find the last row of data
        lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        ' Loop through each row
        For Each egoRow In ws.Range("A2:A" & lastRow)
            yyocCount = 0 ' Reset count for each ego
            nnocCount = 0
            ynocCount = 0
            nyocCount = 0
            yyscCount = 0
            nnscCount = 0
            ynscCount = 0
            nyscCount = 0
            scOnlyCount = 0
            ocOnlyCount = 0
            ' Get ego's class and SEN
            iRow = egoRow.Row
            egoClass = ws.Cells(iRow, 14).Value ' Class column
            egoSEN = ws.Cells(iRow, 15).Value ' SEN column
            ' Find all occurrences of ego in friend column
            Dim colRng As Range, sFirst As String, iCol As Long, sKey as String
            For iCol = 1 To 10
                Set friendRng = Nothing
                Set colRng = ws.Range("B2:B" & lastRow).Offset(, iCol - 1)
                Set friendRng = colRng.Find(egoRow.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
                If Not friendRng Is Nothing Then
                    sFirst = friendRng.Address
                    ' Loop through each occurrence of ego in friend
                        ' Get the class and SEN of friend
                        friendClass = ws.Cells(friendRng.Row, 14).Value ' Class value of friend
                        friendSEN = ws.Cells(friendRng.Row, 15).Value ' SEN value of friend
                        ' Compare ego's class and SEN with friend's class and SEN
                        sKey = friendSEN & egoSEN
                        If egoClass = friendClass Then
                            Select Case sKey
                            Case "YY"
                                yyscCount = yyscCount + 1
                            Case "YN"
                                ynscCount = ynscCount + 1
                            Case "NN"
                                nnscCount = nnscCount + 1
                            Case "NY"
                                nyscCount = nyscCount + 1
                            Case Else
                                If Len(sKey) < 2 Then _
                                scOnlyCount = scOnlyCount + 1
                            End Select
                            Select Case sKey
                            Case "YY"
                                yyocCount = yyocCount + 1
                            Case "YN"
                                ynocCount = ynocCount + 1
                            Case "NN"
                                nnocCount = nnocCount + 1
                            Case "NY"
                                nyocCount = nyocCount + 1
                            Case Else
                                If Len(sKey) < 2 Then _
                                ocOnlyCount = ocOnlyCount + 1
                            End Select
                        End If
                        ' Look for next occurrence of ego in friend column
                        Set friendRng = colRng.FindNext(friendRng)
                    Loop While Not friendRng Is Nothing And sFirst <> friendRng.Address
                End If
            ' Put Count under respective headers in the same row as ego
            ws.Cells(iRow, 17).Value = yyscCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 18).Value = nyscCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 19).Value = nnscCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 20).Value = ynscCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 21).Value = yyocCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 22).Value = nyocCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 23).Value = nnocCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 24).Value = ynocCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 26).Value = scOnlyCount
            ws.Cells(iRow, 27).Value = ocOnlyCount
        Next egoRow
    End Sub