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Generating Very Little Doxygen Documentation

I am trying to generate Doxygen documentation for the very first time in a simple C project. Unfortunately, I am only having limited success. I have tried reading the documentation that Doxygen provides ( on getting started. However, it is not very clear to me.

I can generate some Doxygen documentation from my small C project. The Doxygen documentation that I do generate is limited to a struct I created in Michaels_Criterion_tests.c called structOfSignals. For structOfSignals, I see my brief statement in "Class Lists/Class Index" along with there being no parameters or returns (I basically copied this from how I document my functions).

For all other documentation in my header files or functions in my .c files, I do not see my brief comments (though Doxygen clearly does acknowledge my header files since it has put them under "File List").

I believe my issue stems from one of three possibilities:

  1. One or more configuration options in my Doxyfile are incorrect.
  2. My CmakeLists.txt is incorrect (a strong likelihood).
  3. Both 1. and 2.

I have kept my Doxyfile with mostly the defaults. The few exceptions are:

  • Assigning string values to PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_NUMBER, and PROJECT_BRIEF.
  • I assigned OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "output" (output files are being created in my output directory).
  • Changed JAVADOC_BANNER from NO to YES. I knew this would be a problem with my style of comments if I did not change this value.

Here are the contents of my several files:

The Doxyfile file is too large to post but hopefully the above list of changes make it clear it is mostly the defualt values. I am using version 1.9.1 of Doxygen.

CmakeLists.txt: NOTE: I comment out the c and header files of Michaels_Criterion_tests and fibonacci because that is only code I care about when I unit test. A future goal is to have a conditional statement which will toggle to include or exclude those files based on wether or not I am trying to unit test. But for right now, I just want to have things work with a smaller unber of files.

#Minimum version of CMake required
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
project(mainProject) #name this to whatever you'd like 

# Set C standard

# Locate Doxygen
find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED)

# Locate Criterion
#find_package(criterion REQUIRED)

# Set input directory

# Set source and header files


# Configure Doxygen

# Add executable target
add_executable(mainProject ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS})

# Link with Criterion
#target_link_libraries(mainProject criterion)

# Add a target to generate API documentation with Doxygen
    doc ALL DEPENDS mainProject
    COMMENT "Generating API documentation with Doxygen"


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>               //for clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SEC
#include "signalHandler.h"
#include "timer.h"

//@file main.c

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int raiseResult;
    void (*prev_handler)(int);
    sig_atomic_t signaled = 0;      //Debug testing only. Remove later.

    printf("Hello, World!\n");

    //Register the signal handler
    prev_handler = signal(TEST_SIGNAL_51, sigHandler);

    //call the timey function
    raiseResult = timey(1, TEST_SIGNAL_51);

    printf("raiseResult =%d.\n",raiseResult );

    return 0;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "signalHandler.h"

//sig_atomic_t signaled = 0;      //Debug testing only. Remove later.

The function is a signal handler.
    int sig - The signal's number
void sigHandler(int sig)
    //signaled = 1;

    //Switch statement to handle all signals
    switch(sig) {
        case TEST_SIGNAL_50:
            printf("Case 50 has been matched.\n");
            //LOG AND DO STUFF...
        case TEST_SIGNAL_51:
            printf("Case 51 has been matched.\n");
            //LOG AND DO STUFF...
        case TEST_SIGNAL_52:
            printf("Case 52 has been matched.\n");
            //LOG AND DO STUFF...
        case SIGINT:
            printf("SIGINT Case has been matched.\n");
            //LOG AND DO STUFF...
        default:    //Raised signal is not a match
            printf("Raised signal %d is not a match.\n", sig);
            //Probably just log an error and hope we can ignore without blowing up??



#define TEST_SIGNAL_50 50       //PLACEHOLDER
#define TEST_SIGNAL_51 51       //PLACEHOLDER
#define TEST_SIGNAL_52 52       //PLACEHOLDER

//Function declarations
void sigHandler(int sig);

#endif /* SIGNAL_HANDLER_H */


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>               //for clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SEC
#include <signal.h>
#include "timer.h"
#include "signalHandler.h"

//@file timer.c

int timer(int trigger){
    clock_t start = clock(), difference;
    int msec = 0;
    int raiseResult;       //Holds return value of raise(). raise() returns zero if successful and a nonzero value if unsuccessful.

        //printf("This is a message\n");                    //Debug only                
        difference = clock() - start;                       //The difference between the start of the clock and "now".
        msec = difference * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;          //CLOCKS_PER_SEC is defined in time.h. Clock ticks per second (system dependent)
    } while(msec < trigger);

    printf("Time taken %d seconds %d milliseconds\n", msec/1000, msec%1000);

    //raiseResult = raise(SIGINT);
    //raiseResult = raise(SIGUSR1);
    raiseResult = raise(TEST_SIGNAL_51);

    return raiseResult;

* This function is a timer which raises the signal after trigger milliseconds have elapsed
* Parameters:
*     @param int trigger - The time, in milliseconds, in which this timer should trigger an alarm.
*     @param int signalToRaise - The signal that will be raised once this timer raises its alarm.
* Returns:
*     @return int - This is the return result of raise(); zero if successful and a nonzero value if unsuccessful.
int timey(int trigger, int signalToRaise){
    clock_t start = clock(), difference;
    int msec = 0;
    int raiseResult;       //Holds return value of raise(). raise() returns zero if successful and a nonzero value if unsuccessful.

        //printf("This is a message\n");                    //Debug only  
        difference = clock() - start;                       //The difference between the start of the clock and "now".
        msec = difference * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;          //CLOCKS_PER_SEC is defined in time.h. Clock ticks per second (system dependent)
    } while(msec < trigger);

    printf("Time taken %d seconds %d milliseconds\n", msec/1000, msec%1000);
    printf("About to raise signal %d\n", signalToRaise);

    raiseResult = raise(signalToRaise);

    return raiseResult;


#ifndef TIMER_H
#define TIMER_H

//@file CASCTimer.c

//Function declarations
int timer(int trigger);

* @brief This function is a timer which raises the signal after trigger milliseconds have elapsed
* Parameters:
*     @param int trigger - The time, in milliseconds, in which this timer should trigger an alarm.
*     @param int signalToRaise - The signal that will be raised once this timer raises its alarm.
* Returns:
*     @return int - This is the return result of raise(); zero if successful and a nonzero value if unsuccessful.
int timey(int trigger, int signalToRaise);

#endif /* TIMER_H */

Does anyone see what I am doing wrong?


  • Noteworthy Doxyfile configurations:

    • configs starting with EXTRACT in the section "Build related configuration options". If you set the relevant options to YES, doxygen will generate documentation for each and every statement/declaration in your header and source files, even if they are undocumented.