This is just a general compiler question, directed at C based languages.
If I have some code that looks like this:
#include "header1.h"
#include "header2.h"
#include "header3.h"
#include "header4.h" //Header where #define BUILD_MODULE is located
//module code to build
Will all of the code associated with those headers get built even if BUILD_MODULE is not defined? The compiler just "pastes" the contents of headers correct? So this would essentially build a useless bunch or header code that just takes up space?
All of the text of the headers will be included in the compilation, but they will generally have little or no effect, as explained below.
C does not have any concept of “header code”. A compilation of the file in the question would be treated the same as if the contents of all the included files appeared in a single file. Then what matters is whether the contents define any objects or functions.
Most declarations in header files are (as header files are commonly used) just declarations, not definitions. They just tell the compiler about things; they do not actually cause objects or code to be created. For the most part, a compiler will not generate any data or code from declarations that are not definitions.
If the headers define external objects or functions, the compiler must generate data (or space) or code for them, because these objects or functions could be referred to from other source files to be compiled later and then linked with the object produced from the current compilation. (Some linkers can determine that external objects or functions are not used and discard them.)
If the headers define static objects or functions (to be precise, objects with internal or no linkage), then a compiler may generate data or code for these. However, the optimizer should see that these objects and functions are not referenced, and therefore generation may be suppressed. This is a simple optimization, because it does not require any complicated code or data analysis, simply an observation that nothing depends on the objects or functions.
So, the C standard does not guarantee that no data or code is generated for static objects or functions, but even moderate quality C implementations should avoid it, unless optimization is disabled.