I'm creating a video game and I have this problem:
I have an ArrayList "inventory" that stores objects "Item". npc.inventory.get(index)
this line returns an object from npc's inventory. I want to create new object of class which object is in this line. How can I do that? Is that possible?
Currently in every class I put the name of class in variable "name" and made ifs for every class like:
if (npc.inventory.get(index).name.equals("sword"))
Item newItem = new Sword();`
Can I fix my problem without creating if for every possible class?
You can do it by getting the class of the object and calling the default constructor. However, the result must be a generic Object, as you don't know the type of the class. That might be a problem for type save programming later on:
try {
Class<?> newItemClass = npc.inventory.get(index).getClass();
Object newItem = newItemClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// Handle any exceptions