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Tailwind > using has- in combination with &> child selector

I have following HTML

<div className='has-[.true]:[&>*]:hidden px-1 py-2 text-sm border-t relative md:border-r'>
      <MenuToggle />
        className='flex flex-row items-center w-full h-full md:flex-col'

Inside MenuToggle there is logic to add .true class and that works with the parent's has- selector. For instance, this works


this will hide the parent. However, I do not wish to hide parent, but another child of parent, the one with id=menuContainer. So I tried to make child selector work, via [&>*], but I'm missing something.

something like this is what I am trying to do, but failing



  • I got this to work using peer, however, if it is possible to combine has with child selector, I would appreciate an example.

    now I can directly hide the div I wish without parent. MenuToggle has a div inside with "peer" class mark.

    <div className='px-1 py-2 text-sm border-t relative md:border-r'>
          <MenuToggle />
          <div className='peer-[.true]:hidden flex flex-row items-center w-full h-full md:flex-col'>
            <div className='hidden items-center mt-5 mb-10 md:flex'>
              <Logo className='size-7' />