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VBA Excel - topOffset after scrolling the buttons & both direction scroll not possible

hello I have following code, so I can scroll through my buttons in my Sheet.

Private Sub Scrollbar1_Change()
    Dim btn As Button
    Dim scrollValue As Integer
    scrollValue = 10
    For Each btn In Me.buttons
        btn.Top = btn.Top - scrollValue
    Next btn
End Sub

I have 2 problem.

  1. Scrolling only possible in one direction
  2. I want a topOffset of 10 to my excel (see Picture 1) but it doesnt work (see picture 2)

picture 1

picture 2

The video shows how i want it. I did it in a userform but cant implement it in sheet

how should it

After Answer the 1. Button isnt vissible anymore and after setting gap between buttons 0 the sorting is broken: after edit


  • Set ScrollBar Properties

    • Follow below steps to change properties

    enter image description here

    • Scrollbar1_Change event code
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Scrollbar1_Change()
        Dim btn As Button, i As Long
        Dim iLoc As Long, iTop As Long
        Const TOP_GAP = 10
        Const BTN_GAP = 3
        If Me.ScrollBar1.Value <> 0 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            For i = 1 To Me.Buttons.Count
                Set btn = Me.Buttons(i)
                iLoc = btn.Top + Me.ScrollBar1.Value
                iTop = TOP_GAP + (btn.Height + BTN_GAP) * (i - 1)
                btn.Top = IIf(iLoc > iTop, iLoc, iTop)
            Next i
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Me.ScrollBar1.Value = 0
        End If
    End Sub

    enter image description here


    • Change properties of ScrollBar :
    Property Value
    Max 100
    Min 0
    SmallChange 1
    LargetChange 1
    Value 0
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Scrollbar1_Change()
        Dim btn As Button, i As Long
        Dim iLoc As Long, iTop As Long
        Const TOP_GAP = 10
        Const BTN_GAP = 3
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For i = 1 To Me.Buttons.Count
            Set btn = Me.Buttons(i)
            btn.Top = (btn.Height + BTN_GAP) * (i - Me.ScrollBar1.Value - 1) + TOP_GAP
            btn.Visible = (btn.Top > TOP_GAP)
        Next i
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    enter image description here


    Option Explicit
    Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change()
        Dim btn As Button, i As Long, j As Long
        Dim iLoc As Long, iTop As Long, iVal As Long
        Const TOP_GAP = 10
        Const BTN_GAP = 0.5
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        iVal = Me.ScrollBar1.Value
        For i = 1 To Me.Buttons.Count
            Set btn = Me.Buttons(i)
            If i > iVal Then
                If i = 1 Or i = iVal + 1 Then
                    iTop = TOP_GAP
                    With Me.Buttons(i - 1)
                        iTop = .Top + .Height + BTN_GAP
                    End With
                End If
                btn.Top = iTop
            End If
            btn.Visible = (i > iVal)
        Next i
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub