I am building a sticker choosing keyboard for a chat app. The parent is set to overflow-x: scroll
and the individual sticker containers are set to overflow-y: scroll
Here is the HTML of the svelte code:
<div class="stickerKeyboardContainer" transition:fly|global={{y: 40, duration: 100}} use:stickersHandler>
<div class="stickerKeyboard">
<div class="headers">
<button on:click={() => { moveHeads('left'); }} class="navBtn hoverShadow"><i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-left" /></button>
<div class="stickersHeader" id="stickersHeader" bind:this={stickersHeader}>
{#each Stickers as sticker}
<img loading="lazy" class="hoverShadow" data-group="{sticker.name}" class:selected={$selectedSticker == sticker.name} src="/stickers/{sticker.name}/animated/{sticker.icon}.webp" alt="{sticker.name}">
<button on:click={() => { moveHeads('right'); }} class="navBtn hoverShadow"><i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-right" /></button>
<div on:scroll={() => {console.log("scrolling")}} class="stickersBody" id="stickersBody" use:stickersBodyHandler>
{#each Stickers as sticker}
<div class="stickerBoard {sticker.name}" id="{sticker.name}">
{#each Array.from({ length: +sticker.count }) as _, i}
<img loading="eager" class="stickerItem" data-serial={i+1} src="/stickers/{sticker.name}/static/{i + 1}-mini.webp" alt="{sticker.name}">
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
I can only scroll by the scrollbar thumb. I implemented the same thing is vanilla js. But currently I'm re implementing the same thing using svelte.
I have compared both of my projects, they uses the exact same css and js. But I'm stuggling what is wrong with the code. Can you provide some suggestions that I can try?
I have compared both of my projects, they uses the exact same css and js. Scroll on child is not working on parent.
You said you used that to prevent pull refresh on touch devices. But after looking at your images I think this line is causing the problem. The posible reason could be that you have used:
overscroll-behavior: none;
overscroll-behavior-x: none;
Your child container is overflowing the parent and your parent has a fixed width and height. So in order to trigger the parents' scroll you must allow the child to overscroll.
Remove the overscroll-behavior: none;
and alternatively write overscroll-behavior-y: none;
on the body.
That will allow you to scroll on the x axis and block the pull refresh.