Search code examples

SQL repeat events with different start date and end date

I have tables calendar_events: id, name, start_date, end_date calendar_event_repetitions: calendar_event_id, interval, ends_at

I have query like:

WITH RECURSIVE date_range AS (
            SELECT DATE('2024-02-26 00:00:00') AS date_value
            UNION ALL
            SELECT DATE_ADD(date_value, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
            FROM date_range
            WHERE date_value < '2024-02-26 23:59:59' -- Adjust the end date as per the user input
        SELECT DISTINCT ce.*
        FROM calendar_events ce
        LEFT JOIN calendar_event_repetitions cer ON = cer.calendar_event_id
        WHERE ce.user_id = '837717ff-4746-4451-9986-c5529d671c52' AND (
            (ce.start_date <= '2024-02-26 23:59:59' AND ce.end_date >= '2024-02-26 00:00:00')
            OR (
                (cer.ends_at <= '2024-02-26 23:59:59' OR cer.ends_at IS NULL)
                AND (
                    SELECT COUNT(*)
                    FROM date_range
                    WHERE (
                            cer.interval IS NOT NULL
                            AND cer.interval_type = 'd'
                            AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, ce.start_date, date_range.date_value) % cer.interval = 0
                            AND cer.weekly_days IS NULL
                ) > 0

It works only for events where start_date and end_date the same. But if I have, for example, start_date 2024-02-19, end_date 2024-02-22 and I want repeat that event every 5 days, it doesn't work. How can I include that condition where it checks repeating range?

For example it should return this even for dates 2024-02-26, 2024-02-27. But for date 2024-02-28 it shouldn't.

Can anyone help me with this case?


  • One-table DEMO:

    CREATE TABLE test (
      id INT,
      startdate DATE,
      enddate DATE,
      period INT
    (1, '2024-01-01', '2024-01-10', 4), -- 1, 5, 9
    (2, '2024-01-01', '2024-01-10', 3), -- 1, 4, 7, 10
    (3, '2024-01-01', '2024-01-05', 7), -- 1
    (4, '2024-01-10', '2024-01-01', 4); -- none
    SELECT * FROM test;
    id startdate enddate period
    1 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 4
    2 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 3
    3 2024-01-01 2024-01-05 7
    4 2024-01-10 2024-01-01 4
      SELECT id, startdate, enddate, period, startdate AS onedate
      FROM test
      WHERE startdate <= enddate  -- check that startdate is valid
      SELECT id, startdate, enddate, period, onedate + INTERVAL period DAY
      FROM cte
      WHERE onedate + INTERVAL period DAY <= enddate -- check that next date is in range
    SELECT * FROM cte ORDER BY id, onedate;
    id startdate enddate period onedate
    1 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 4 2024-01-01
    1 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 4 2024-01-05
    1 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 4 2024-01-09
    2 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 3 2024-01-01
    2 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 3 2024-01-04
    2 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 3 2024-01-07
    2 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 3 2024-01-10
    3 2024-01-01 2024-01-05 7 2024-01-01


    If a table have CHECK constraint which does not allow startdate to be above enddate then WHERE from the anchor subquery must be removed.