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Getting type error when using $ cond in KDB

I have a dictionary (testDict) in the following format with hostname and region of that hostname


I have a function to return region based on hostname

func1:{[hostname] testDict[hostname]}

When I execute the function, I get enlisted region


I am trying to assign some variables based on the value that is returned by this function but I am getting type error. I have tried both vector conditional and cond. Appreciate your input on this

$[enlist `LDN=func1[`host1]; connDetails:`:hostName:port:id:pass; connDetails:`:newHostName:port:id:pass]

What am I missing here?


  • Couple of things here. First, kdb+ reads right to left, so this:

    enlist `LDN=func1[`host1]

    compares LDN to the output of func1 and then enlists that result, rather than enlisting LDN before the comparison. Use parentheses to force the order of execution you want:


    Secondly, $ expects an atomic value in the conditional, your statement returns a 1 item list. You can use first to convert it to an atom:

    q)type first enlist[`LDN]=func1[`host1]

    Having said all of that, it looks like the real issue is that your dictionary is storing the values as 1 item lists, rather than atoms. You would be better off to store the atomic values, which will simplify everything for you.

    q)testDict:first each testDict

    Or simpler still, just store the mapping from hostname to connection details as your dictionary and index that to get the result you want:


    If you need a default connection string for hosts not in your dictionary, you can use fill (^):
