Disclaimer first:
Having said that, I desperately need to know if there is a feature in the Intellij IDE to automatically open multiple projects in separate IDE instances when loading one (of the wanted) projects.
I came cross this question because I had a session where I had 6 related micro service projects open in 6 instances of the Intellij IDE. Then a Windows 10 security updated did not bother that I was working and booted my machine... bummer...
After the Windows desktop came back again, all of the Intellij instances opened up again automagically. As this happened alongside with the restore of other applications which had been opened before the reboot, I believe that it was done by the OS, quite surprising.
The question is: how can I achieve to always have such a convenient behavior when loading my 6 service projects or any other combination of related projects?
Does anybody have a good idea or can hint me to something obvious I have missed so far? I have searched the web thoroughly but I found only answers to the topics mentioned in the "disclaimer" at the beginning.
I recently came across a much better way of doing exactly what I need and this is available for many years without me noticing it, shame on me...
It was already posted here on stackoverflow and with the correct search terms it was very easy to find. Please refer to this answer, because it still works for IntelliJ 2021+ exactly like described there:
groups of projects in intellij idea
Thanks to alvaro g for the great description of the procedure.
The answer is: use the IntelliJ Welcome screen!