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Using EXCEL to find shaded cells, and shading other cells if found

Using EXCEL to reference the color of a cell and make changes to a second sheet dependent on that.

The general idea is to find whether or not a cell is shaded within a column(B:B) in one sheet(sheet1). If found shaded, find value of column f from the row of the shaded cell in column B of sheet 2. Highlight that row.

I haven’t the slightest idea how to start this.


  • Microsoft documentation:

    Interior.Color property (Excel)

    Range.Find method (Excel)

    Application.Intersect method (Excel)

    Option Explicit
    Sub Demo()
        Dim oSht1 As Worksheet, oSht2 As Worksheet
        Dim ColB1 As Range, ColB2 As Range, c As Range, ce As Range
        Dim vValue
        Const HL_COLOR = vbYellow ' highlight color
        Set oSht1 = Sheets("Sheet1") ' update sheet name as needed
        Set oSht2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
        Set ColB1 = Application.Intersect(oSht1.UsedRange, oSht1.Columns(2))
        Set ColB2 = Application.Intersect(oSht2.UsedRange, oSht2.Columns(2))
        ' remove highlight on Sheet2
        oSht2.Cells.Interior.Color = xlNone
        For Each c In ColB1.Cells
            If c.Interior.Color <> vbWhite Then
                vValue = oSht1.Cells(c.Row, "F").Value
                Set ce = ColB2.Find(vValue, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                If Not ce Is Nothing Then
                    ce.EntireRow.Interior.Color = HL_COLOR
                End If
                Set ce = Nothing
            End If
    End Sub

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