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Houzez Theme removes wp-admin access to all Wordpress user roles

**While the title says "all" Wordpress user roles, it actually works fine with the Admin role.

I have been testing with Editor and Agent roles, Editor being a default Wordpress user role while agent is theme specific. Neither role can access the wp-admin tab.

The screen shows: "You don't have permission to access this page." wp-admin error: You don't have permission to access this page.

I have been trying to troubleshoot this error and getting it to work. To identify that the Houzez theme is the problem, I followed step 4 of this guide:

Currently I am looking for any known solution to this problem. I have googled around for a while with no luck.


  • I contacted support for the Houzez tool. I had overlooked an option in the Theme Options general settings that restricts access to the admin panel. I just had to switch it off. Picture of button to block user admin access.