In Lens, the microservice has port 9090:grpc/TCP.
What does it mean?
For example, 9090:20033/TCP means port forwarding grpc 9090 to 20033.
notation means a network endpoint that is listening on port 9090
for incoming gRPC connections over TCP.
Yes, your example is correct. port 9090:20033/TCP, which means that the gRPC service is listening on port 9090. When you port forward grpc 9090 to 20033, you are creating a tunnel from port 9090 on your local machine to port 20033 on the remote machine. This allows you to access the gRPC service on the remote machine as if it were running on your local machine.
You can refer to this document for more information.
Edit 1:
notates port forwarding port 9090 to port 20033 on the TCP protocol.
means no port forwarding. The word "grpc" is simply a label to indicate that port 9090 is being used for the gRPC protocol. An empty space would be interpreted as a separator between the port and the protocol, which would cause the port forwarding to fail.