Been trying to upgrade and migrate some of my angular projects into Angular 17. Also still learning the standalone component as part of the major upgrade of the said version.
One thing I noticed is the documentation is they are using now the @for
@for (car of cars; track car) {
<option [value]="car.value">{{car.viewValue}}</option>
instead of *ngFor
<option *ngFor="let car of cars" [value]="car.value">{{car.viewValue}}</option>
To be honest, I'm still liking the *ngFor
Any difference between these two or is @for
is the new *ngFor
? If that so, any particular reason are they doing that? *ngFor
is much simpler and can be one liner.
The @for
block is part of the new control flow syntax introduced in Angular 17.0
The control flow blocks (@if
, @for
, @switch
) are here to replace the 3 structural directives ngIf
, ngFor
and ngSwitch
In the case of the @for
block, feature wise they serve the same purpse with a few advantages :
by passing a key directly.track
functionality by making it required.@empty