We have an application that reads a text file for license assignment and currently is manually managed.
the format consists of a single row for each AD Group, The row starts to the word "Group", followed by the AD Group name and then with the users SAMAccountName and all members in a single row... there is also some static information that does not change at the bottom of the file...
Group ADGroupName1 usersamaccountname1 usersamaccountname2 usersamaccountname3 Group ADGroupName2 usersamaccountname1 usersamaccountname2 usersamaccountname3 Group ADGroupName3 usersamaccountname1 usersamaccountname2 usersamaccountname3
Include this text as static Include this text also Include this text as well
found this base script on another post...
Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'humdrives'" |
ForEach-Object {
$Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Recursive
StaticV1 = "Group"
Group = $_.Name
Members = $Members.sAMAccountName
StaticV1 Group Members
Group ADGroupName1 {Sam1, Sam2, Sam3, Sam4...}
and it is really close, except I am not able to get past the truncated output, nor have I been able to get the data exported correctly text file.
You can use the -join
operator to produce the desired string:
Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'humdrives'" |ForEach-Object {
$Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Recursive
# drop all values into array subexpression, then -join
) -join ' '
} |Set-Content -Path export.txt
You can then append additional content to the file with the Add-Content
Include this text as static
Include this text also
Include this text as well
'@ |Add-Content -Path export.txt