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How can I write code that works differently for different operating systems?

I am Writing a File I/O code

I found out that each OS use different newline characters

so I wanna make a code that works differently for each OS
like below code

    Console.Write("Hello World\r\n");
    Console.Write("Hello World\n");

Please let me know if you know a good way!


  • If you only want to check for line breaks, you can use System.Environment.NewLine. This will return \r\n for non-Unix platforms and \n for Unix platforms.

    Console.Write("Hello World" + System.Environment.NewLine);

    However, if you need to implement separate code logic for each operating system, you could use RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform. This method can identify the following platforms:

    • FreeBSD
    • Linux
    • OSX
    • Windows

    Your code would look something like this:

    if (System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.Windows))
        Console.Write("Hello World\r\n");
        Console.Write("Hello World\n");