I created a job DSL script for my projects to run on jenkins, the job cotains tokens and secrets. Hence, i used a bitbucket as my remote SCM. and stored the tokens as secrets. the question is how to make jenkins get the values of secrets when i run it via jenkins, or if there's a method to run directly via bitbucket pipelines ?
another method is to store the secrets in jenkins as credentials and retreive them during execution. but idk really how to do so the steps is as follows:
def x = {"service": "servicetoken", "service":"servicetoken"}
for service,token in x: do x do y
i tried to add them as plain text in the first release of my job DSL (before i include it in SCM) and worked but the secret is in the method of how to do this in a secure way
If you want to use credentials within a pipeline you can use the credentials binding (https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/credentials-binding/):
withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: 'mylogin', variable: 'USERPASS')]) { ... }
If you then want to use it in your JobDSL, make sure to specify your JobDSL code within GStrings ("-double quotes).
job('example') {
steps {
batchFile(echo $USERPASS >secret.txt)
In case you are trying to resolve those variables within aJobDSL script file, rather than hard coded into your pipeline, you could do something like this:
def dslScripts = findFiles(glob: 'job-dsl/*.groovy')
dslScripts.each {
def scriptContent = readFile(it.path)
def interpolatedScript = evaluate("return \"\"\"${scriptContent}\"\"\"")
jobDsl scriptText: interpolatedScript, sandbox: true