I am writing a tutorial in Quarto and I want to point out that you can use inline R code in the YAML header. I want my students to see this:
You can automatically insert today's date with date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
Because the YAML is not using {r}, I can't find a way to tell knitr to not evaluate the Sys.Date()
function. Is there a way to display that code in the sentence without having to imbed an image?
One trick could be using the unicode representation \u0060
of backticks.
title: Showing Inline R code
engine: knitr
Insert today's date with ```date: "`r "\u0060r Sys.Date()\u0060" `" ```
Explanation: Knitr will evaluate the expression "\u0060r Sys.Date()\u0060"
in the inline R code and generate a markdown file containing,
title: Showing Inline R code
engine: knitr
Insert today's date with ```date: "`r Sys.Date()`" ```
which will be passed to pandoc then and pandoc will produce the expected output then.