I want to have a vertically stacked legend (here, for size and colour), but I would want to reduce the space between the "shape" row and the "colour" row
a <- cbind.data.frame(s=factor(rep(c(4,5), each=10)),
col=rep(c(1,2), 10),
x=runif(n = 10),
y=runif(n = 10))
plot_a <- ggplot(data = a, aes(x=x, y=y, shape=s, color=col))+
plot_a + theme(legend.position = 'bottom', legend.box="vertical")
In the plot above, I would want less separation between the "s" and "col" legends:
This is what I have tried, without being able to find how to modify this margin
plot_a+theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.key.spacing.y = unit(.2, "cm")) ## no change
plot_a+theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.key.size = unit(.7, "cm")) ## this changes size of keys but not margin
plot_a+theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.key.spacing = unit(.1, "cm")) ## this changes space between items of the same legend
thanks for your help!
To reduce the vertical spacing between the legends use legend.spacing.y
and if that is not sufficient reduce or remove the margin around each legend using legend.margin
a <- data.frame(
s = factor(rep(c(4, 5), each = 10)),
col = rep(c(1, 2), 10),
x = runif(n = 10),
y = runif(n = 10)
plot_a <- ggplot(data = a, aes(x = x, y = y, shape = s, color = col)) +
plot_a +
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.box = "vertical",
legend.spacing.y = unit(0, "pt"),
legend.margin = margin()