I want to connect from azure web app to google cloud platform project. According to the documentation, I need to set an environment variable - GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
- to the location of json file containing the private key downloaded from gcp project for service account. I am saving the json file on a blob and setting its location in the environment variable, but it prepends the name of the current working directory to the blob path.
How can I avoid uploading the json file to the repository . I am using .net.
The blob path is changed from "https:/myfirstblob.blob.core.windows.net/mygcp-service-account/creds.json" is changed to "C:\mycurrentworkingdirectory...\..\https:\myfirstblob.blob.core.windows.net\mygcp-service-account\creds.json"
I used the following approach to avoid setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
- I added the json properties in my configuration file. The values of which I can pick from azure key vault. There is a provision in google clients to set credentials using JsonCredentialParameters
. Here I am using PredictionServiceClientBuilder client.
var parameters = new JsonCredentialParameters
Type = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.Type,
ProjectId = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.ProjectId,
PrivateKeyId = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.PrivateKeyId,
PrivateKey = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.PrivateKey.Replace("\\n", "\n"),
ClientEmail = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.ClientEmail,
ClientId = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.ClientId,
TokenUrl = _gcpServiceAccountConfiguration.TokenUrl
await new PredictionServiceClientBuilder
Settings = settings,
Endpoint = "",
// Below is the main part
GoogleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromJsonParameters(parameters)
Below 2 alternative properties are also provided by google clients for setting credentials -
new PredictionServiceClientBuilder {
CredentialsPath = "C:\\mypath\\creds.json"
string jsonCreds = "{\r\n \"type\": \"service_account\",\r\n \"project_id\": \"my-project\",\r\n \"private_key_id\": ..}";
new PredictionServiceClientBuilder {
JsonCredentials = jsonCreds