I want to create a simple wrapper for v-snackbar
but there is a problem that I cannot use a prop value as argument inv-model
. I am trying to pass a boolean as a prop to the wrapper and to change the inner state but the problem is that it works only once because the code to open the snackbar sets the ref to true
and the watch function does not recognize that as a change. What is the proper way to create a wrapper for a snackbar in vue?
<v-btn @click="showSnackbar = true">
Open Snackbar
<Snackbar :options="{ showSnackbar: showSnackbar }"> Warning </Snackbar>
wrapper code:
<v-snackbar v-model="isShowing">
<template #actions>
<v-btn variant="text" @click="isShowing = false">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
options: SnackbarOptions
}>(), {
const isShowing = ref(false);
watch(() => props.options.showSnackbar, () => {
isShowing.value = true
After the snackbar is opened the first time showSnackbar
in your parent component is never set back to false. If it's never set back to false, then it can never be "watched" as being set to true again. Since there's no two-way binding between the components this is expected.
You could easily just use v-model with the showSnackbar
property, or if you want to only do this using the options
prop and no v-model, you can use a computed property instead of a watcher, but you'll still need to at least add an event listener:
:options="{ showSnackbar: showSnackbar }"
@close="showSnackbar = false"
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps(['options'])
const emit = defineEmits(['close'])
const showSnackbar = computed({
get() {
return props.options.showSnackbar
set() {
<v-snackbar v-model="showSnackbar">
<template #actions>
<v-btn variant="text" @click="showSnackbar = false"> Close </v-btn>
<Snackbar v-model="showSnackbar" :options="otherOptions"> Warning </Snackbar>
<script setup>
const props = defineProps(['options'])
const showSnackbar = defineModel()
<v-snackbar v-model="showSnackbar">
<template #actions>
<v-btn variant="text" @click="showSnackbar = false"> Close </v-btn>