I'm trying to find if JSON file supports defining variables and using them within that JSON file?
"artifactory_repo": "toplevel_virtual_NonSnapshot",
"definedVariable1": "INSTANCE1",
"passedVariable2": "${passedFromOutside}",
"products": [
{ "name": "product_${definedVariable1}_common",
"version": "1.1.0"
{ "name": "product_{{passedVariable2}}_common",
"version": 1.5.1
I know YAML files allow this but now sure if JSON file allows this behavior or not. My plan is that a user will pass "definedVariable" value from Jenkins and I'll create a target JSON file (after substi
You can use Groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine
to do the trick:
def json = '''\
"artifactory_repo": "toplevel_virtual_NonSnapshot",
"definedVariable1": "INSTANCE1",
"passedVariable2": "${passedFromOutside}",
"products": [
{ "name": "product_${definedVariable1}_common",
"version": "1.1.0"
{ "name": "product_${passedVariable2}_common",
"version": 1.5.1
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
def binding = [ passedFromOutside:"Grace", definedVariable1:42, passedVariable2:true ]
String res = engine.createTemplate json make binding toString()
"artifactory_repo": "toplevel_virtual_NonSnapshot",
"definedVariable1": "INSTANCE1",
"passedVariable2": "Grace",
"products": [
{ "name": "product_42_common",
"version": "1.1.0"
{ "name": "product_true_common",
"version": 1.5.1
Then you can dump the output straight into the file like:
file( 'some/file.json' ).text = res