I am stuck on the recursive calculation on excel. Now I have two columns like below:
Now I need to calculate two results from these two columns: 1/ In every 4 rows, the left column recursively subtracts the right column from the 4 rows number, which means, xt1-xbar1, xt2-xbar2, xt3-xbar3, xt4-xbar4, xt5-xbar1, xt6-xbar2,... The left column will be called each row, but every 4 rows after, it will subtract the 1st row back from the left column.
2/ Another calculation I need is to recursively get the product from the difference of the columns from two rows, and it is recursive in 3 rows. This means, (xt2-xbar2)(xt1-xbar1), (xt3-xbar3)(xt2-xbar2),(xt4-xbar4)(xt3-xbar3), (xt5-xbar1)(xt4-xbar4), (xt6-xbar2)*(xt5-xbar1),...
Could anyone help me work out the formula above? Thanks.
Assuming there is no Excel Constraints
(MS365 Exclusive) as per the tags posted, then one could use one of the followings to accomplish the desired output:
• Formula used in cell D2
) - B2:B5,
• Formula used in cell E2
Or, To return the whole output dynamically using one single formula:
_xt, DROP(TOCOL(A:A,1),1),
_xbar, DROP(TOCOL(B:B,1),1),
_sub, TOCOL(WRAPCOLS(_xt,ROWS(_xbar))-_xbar,2,1),
HSTACK(_sub, _sub*VSTACK(1,DROP(_sub,-1))))