Search code examples

How to populate a column based on cell data matching Items in list

I have a table in excel like the example below:

Box Size Header Header Header Header Header Header Header Header Header Description
Full Apples
Full Oranges
Half Grapes
Half Lemons

Box size is in column A, Description is in column K. The box size is automatically "Full" for all rows and I must change them to say "Half" manually. I have a list of items on Sheet2 called "HalfBox" like the example below:

Half Items

I am trying to find a macro that will compare the descriptions in column K with the list in Sheet2. If a match is found I would like to automatically change the value in the A cell to say "Half".


  • Option 1:

    • Load source data into arrData1, load items list into arrData2
    • Use StrComp to compare the description and items (case-insensitive)
    • If Half Items is a large list, loading it into a Dictionary object can improve the efficiency of comparation

    Microsoft documentation:

    StrComp function

    Option Explicit
    Sub Demo()
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim  arrData2, rngData1 As Range, rngData2 As Range
        Const DES_COL = 11
        Set rngData1 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        Set rngData2 = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").CurrentRegion
        arrData1 = rngData1.Value
        arrData2 = rngData2.Value
        For i = LBound(arrData1) + 1 To UBound(arrData1)
            For j = LBound(arrData2) + 1 To UBound(arrData2)
                If StrComp(arrData1(i, DES_COL), arrData2(j, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                    arrData1(i, 1) = "Half"
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
        rngData1.Value = arrData1
    End Sub

    Option 2:

    • Apply formulas on col A, eg. the formula on Sheet1 A2