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JSON Schema - unique pattern properties

I want to create a JSON Schema that allows properties with names that are arbitrary, but unique.

I have been trying to do this with patternProperties, but it seems to allow duplicate property names.

For example, the following schema:

  "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "patternProperties": {
                "^.*$": {
                    "type": "string"
            "additionalProperties": false

Validates this JSON:

  "property1" : "value1",
  "property2" : "value2",
  "property1" : "value3"

But I want it to fail because the 1st and 3rd property have the same name. How can I do that?


  • IMHO...

    JSON Schema doesn't have any validation to detect duplicate properties in a JSON object.

    The JSON spec doesn't make any mention of duplicate properties so they are valid but not recommended.

    to check on duplicated names:

    void Main()
            JsonSchema schema = JsonSchema.Parse(@"{
      '$schema': '',
        'type': 'object',
        'patternProperties': {
                    '^.*$': {
                        'type': 'string'
                'additionalProperties': false
            JObject o = JObject.Parse("{\"property1\":\"value1\",\"property2\":\"value2\",\"property1\":\"value3\"}", new JsonLoadSettings
                DuplicatePropertyNameHandling = DuplicatePropertyNameHandling.Error
            bool valid = o.IsValid(schema).Dump();
            // true
        catch (JsonReaderException ex)
            Console.Write($"Invalid json file, {ex.Message}.");

    the exception would be :

    [Invalid json file, Property with the name 'property1' already exists in the current JSON object. Path 'property1', line 1, position 55..]