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Rundeck not able to login to Jira with credentials provided

I have Rundeck community edition 4.1. I want to include jira issue ID in my job execution. For that I installed plugsins and the jira issue exists is hwoing up in workflow step. I configured project.plugin.Notification.JIRA.login=username project.plugin.Notification.JIRA.password=password project.plugin.Notification.JIRA.url= in file. When I execute rundeck job, it is giving this error

Execution failed: 37321 in project Project-Name: [Workflow result: , step failures: {1=PluginFailed: login is required}, status: failed]

So I configured in file with below settings

jira.url= jira.login=user jira.auth_token=keys/jira/token

I restarted rundeck service and ran the job still it gave same error. Can someone suggest whether I am missing any?


  • I reproduced your issue and that happens when the plugin can't find the credentials in the right place.

    Jira Notification

    Considering that you're using the OSS Jira Notification plugin. Follow these steps (the first step is optional if you don't have the plugin installed in your Rundeck instance):

    1. Install the plugin via the Plugin Manager (Gear Icon > Plugins > Find Plugins > Put "Jira" on the "Search for..." field, and install the Jira Notification Plugin).
    2. You do not need to generate a "" file because that configuration is now saved on the Rundeck backend. So, log in to Rundeck and navigate to your Project > Project Settings (left menu) > Edit Configuration > Edit Configuration File button (top right). This is the "new" project's properties. There is where you need to insert your Jira credentials, such as:
    1. Save the config and now run your job with THE Jira notification included in the notification tab. I used the following job definition example:
    - defaultTab: nodes
      description: ''
      executionEnabled: true
      id: 37362a27-3e3e-4ea8-950e-ae64e2463172
      loglevel: INFO
      name: JiraNotificationJob
      nodeFilterEditable: false
              issue key: RUN-23
            type: JIRA
      notifyAvgDurationThreshold: null
        ExecutionLifecycle: {}
      scheduleEnabled: true
        - configuration:
            adhocRemoteString: echo "hi"
          nodeStep: true
          type: exec-command
        keepgoing: false
        strategy: node-first
      uuid: 37362a27-3e3e-4ea8-950e-ae64e2463172
    1. Check the Jira issue updated.

    As you see and according to the documentation, you don't need that credentials. It works with the project configuration parameters.

    Jira Workflow Step

    Considering that you're using the OSS Jira Workflow Step plugin plugin. Follow these steps (the first step is optional if you don't have the plugin installed in your Rundeck instance):

    1. Install the plugin via the Plugin Manager (Gear Icon > Plugins > Find Plugins > Put "Jira" on the "Search for..." field, and install the Jira Workflow Step Plugin).

    2. You do not need to generate a "" file because the configuration is now saved on the Rundeck backend (from Rundeck 3.1; you are using Rundeck 4.1). So, sign in to Rundeck and navigate to your Project > Project Settings (left menu) > Edit Configuration > Edit Configuration File button (up to right). That is the "new" project, properties. There is a place where you should enter your Jira credentials, like this:

    1. Save the config and now run your job with the Jira Workflow Step included in your workflow. I used the following job definition example:
    - defaultTab: nodes
      description: ''
      executionEnabled: true
      id: 93990eea-df5f-446a-beb0-5e7bb4b0bfcf
      loglevel: INFO
      name: JiraIssueExists
      nodeFilterEditable: false
        ExecutionLifecycle: {}
      scheduleEnabled: true
        - configuration:
            issue-key: RUN-23
          nodeStep: false
          type: JIRA-Issue-Exists
        keepgoing: false
        strategy: node-first
      uuid: 93990eea-df5f-446a-beb0-5e7bb4b0bfcf
    1. Check the Rundeck execution result.

    Like the Notification plugin and according to the documentation, you don't need the credentials. It works with the project configuration parameters.