I having setting up local notifications in my flutter app using flutter_local_notifications.
In the example provided on the page the configurations are done before runApp
But I am defining the local notification plugin as riverpod provider to have easier access to the plugin wherever in my code.
It looks as follows:
Future<void> setupFlutterNotifications(SetupFlutterNotificationsRef ref) async {
final notificationService = ref.watch(notificationServiceProvider);
await notificationService.setupFlutterNotifications();
Future<bool?> requestNotificationPermissions(
RequestNotificationPermissionsRef ref,
) async {
final notificationService = ref.watch(notificationServiceProvider);
return notificationService.requestPermissions();
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
NotificationService notificationService(NotificationServiceRef ref) {
return NotificationService(
ref, FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin(), FirebaseMessaging.instance);
class NotificationService {
NotificationService(this.ref, this._flutterLocalNotifications, this._fcm);...
Future<void> showLocalNotification({
required String title,
required String body,
}) async {
return _flutterLocalNotifications.show(
payload: 'No payload yet!',
Now, how do I manage to call the provider before runApp
I want to do something like:
await ref.watch(setupFlutterNotificationsProvider.future);
await ref.watch(requestNotificationPermissionsProvider.future);
You can do asynchronous loading in main
Future<void> main() async {
final container = ProviderContainer();
await container.read(setupFlutterNotificationsProvider.future);
await container.read(requestNotificationPermissionsProvider.future);
return runApp(
container: container,
child: const MyApp(),
And then use requireValue
in widgets:
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final notificationPermissions = ref.watch(requestNotificationPermissionsProvider).requireValue;
return ...;
But I would recommend rethinking your architecture:
should not be a providernotificationServiceProvider
- it is better to use NotifierProvider
based on a class for this purpose.