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Flutter Riverpod vs ref.listen() vs

After reading the documentation, it did not explain very well what,, and ref.listen() is.

The questions I have are as follows:

  • What is the purpose and difference between these functions?
  • Where and where not can I use these functions?
  • When should I use these functions?


  • What is the purpose and difference between these functions?


    Use read to the get the value of/in a provider just once (one-time read)


    Use watch to the get the value of/in a provider the first time and every time the value changes (see it like you're subscribing to the provider, so you get notified any time there's a change)


    listen is similar to watch. The main difference is the return type. watch returns the new value directly, listen returns a void but gives access to the new value and the old value with a callback (See examples below)

    Where and where not can I use these functions?

    You can use read in places like initState , callbacks like onPressed etc. watch and listen should not be called asynchronously, like inside an onPressed of an ElevatedButton. Nor should it be used inside initState and other State life-cycles.

    As Kaan Taha Köken pointed out:

    AVOID using [read] for creating widgets with a value that never changes and CONSIDER using [Provider] or select for filtering unwanted rebuilds.

    When should I use these functions?


    Use read when you want to get the value of the provider only once.


    Use watch when you want to always get the value.

    Example: Counter app with StateProvider

    final counterProvider = StateProvider((ref) => 0);
    class HomePage extends ConsumerWidget {
      const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
      Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
        final counter =;
          (previous, next) {
            print("The new value is $next");
            if (next == 5) {
              print("I just reached 5");
        return Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: Text(
          floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
            onPressed: () {
     += 1;

    The example above shows the use of watch, read and listen.

    • We're watching the counter value so it gets updated in the UI anytime there is a change.
    • We're listening to the counter to print the updated value and print I've reached 5 when it is 5.
    • To increment the value, we read the provider state and add 1 when the FloatingActionButton is pressed.