My application is terminating with signal 11 - segmentation fault.
Core dump has been generated, and it say the following:
#0 Players::shareExperience (this=0x7fd3f8187600,
experience=401912970206.76483154296875, m=<value optimized out>,
multiplied=<value optimized out>) at players.cpp:130
130 (*it)->gainSharedExperience(tmpExperience, m , multiplied);
This happends, when player is killing a monster, and get high amount of experience.
In my opinion, it shouldn't crash, because the expierience on 130
line is a long double
, so it should handle that.
Is there any way, to handle that big amount of numbers? This is probably the expierience that player get when monster it killed: experience=401912970206.76483154296875
isnt long double
enough for that?
That fault is not from the large long double value, it is most likely from dereferencing an invalid iterator in it
(or an iterator with an invalid pointer value).