Search code examples

The component(_:from:) function is not supported in this predicate

In Swift I have the model class:

final class Transaction {
    let id: UUID
    let title: String
    let amount: Decimal
    let transactionType: TransactionType
    let transactionCategory: TransactionCategory?
    let date: Date
        title: String,
        amount: Decimal,
        transactionType: TransactionType,
        transactionCategory: TransactionCategory?,
        date: Date
    ) { = UUID()
        self.title = title
        self.amount = amount
        self.transactionType = transactionType
        self.transactionCategory = transactionCategory = date

and a view:

struct YearDetailsView: View {
    private let year: Int
    private let transactions: [Transaction]
    init(year: Int) {
        self.year = year
        _transactions = Query(filter: #Predicate<Transaction> {
            Calendar.current.component(.year, from: $ == year
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {

I want to get all transactions in given year but unfortunately I got the following error:

The component(_:from:) function is not supported in this predicate

The error is clear but is there a way to filter data by date in Query instead of query all the data and filter it later?


  • Find the start of the year, and the start of the next year. Then you can check if the date is between them.

    // get the current calendar using "@Environment(\.calendar) var calendar"!
    let startOfYear = .init(year: year)) ?? .distantPast
    let nextYear = DateComponents(year: year + 1)
    let startOfNextYear = nextYear) ?? .distantFuture
    _transactions = Query(filter: #Predicate<Transaction> {
        $ >= startOfYear && $ < startOfNextYear