I'm trying to detect the subtypes of a PHAsset.
asset.subtypes.rawvalue -> UInt
I found the meaning of subtypes .video (rawValue: 0) and photoLive (rawValue: 8) but I have livePhoto with HDR option and the subtypes rawavlue is 10 and I don't find the meaning of the value. Someone has all rawValue meaning of PHAsset subtypes? Thanks
According to the documentation of PHAssetMediaSubtype
Media subtypes are bit mask values, so you can combine them using bitwise operators to test for multiple subtypes.
The definition helps to:
typedef enum PHAssetMediaSubtype : NSUInteger {
PHAssetMediaSubtypeNone = 0,
PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoPanorama = (1UL << 0),
PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoHDR = (1UL << 1),
PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoScreenshot = (1UL << 2),
PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoLive = (1UL << 3),
PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoDepthEffect = (1UL << 4),
PHAssetMediaSubtypeVideoStreamed = (1UL << 16),
PHAssetMediaSubtypeVideoHighFrameRate = (1UL << 17),
PHAssetMediaSubtypeVideoTimelapse = (1UL << 18)
} PHAssetMediaSubtype;
So, if subtype is 10, then 10 being 8+2 (which the unique possible "sub-values"), it's whatever is the value 8 (.photoLive
) and whatever is the value 2 (.HDR).