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ActiveMQ Artemis always "Gracefully Stopping artemis-service" after start service

I'm installing ActiveMQ Artemis version 2.32.0 on Ubuntu 22, I created broker, created a service file in systemd:

ExecStart=/var/lib/artemis-broker/bin/artemis-service start 
ExecStop=/var/lib/artemis-broker/bin/artemis-service stop 


But whenever I start the service, it always inform:

Starting artemis-service
artemis-service is now running
Gracefully Stopping artemis-service
artemis.service: Deactivated successfully.

Please help me. How to start ActiveMQ Artemis from systemd normally?


  • In your [service] section you have not specified parameter Type which then defaults to Type=simple. It defines the process started with ExecStart as the main process of the service. Such definition is not suitable for artemis-service as this process ends after the broker has been started. Add this line to your [service] section:


    This acknowledges your ExecStart program spawns a child process and this will be the main process of the service.