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In python, i dont know why but in my code im appending to a list but when i check the list theres nothing inside

I'm learning python and im still a beginner and heres my problem:

toppinglist = []
instock = ['Cheese', 'Tomato', 'Chicken', 'Mushroom']
Outofstock = ['Beef', 'Pork', 'Onions']
wanttoppings_q = input('Do you want toppings on your pizza? Yes/No')
wanttoppings_q = wanttoppings_q.title()
while wanttoppings_q == 'Yes':
    requestedtopping = input('Enter One Topping:')
    anythingelse = input('Anything Else? Yes/No' )
    anythingelse = anythingelse.title()
    toppinglist = []
    if anythingelse == 'No':


with this block of code, basically goal is asking what pizza toppings you want then adding that to a list, i tried using my brain and came up with this. Everything is fine, while loop fine but then i print the topping list and nothings inside. Maybe im using append wrong? pls help


  • you are resetting the toppinglist = [] before you are printing it so remove that everything will work fine

    toppinglist = []
    instock = ['Cheese', 'Tomato', 'Chicken', 'Mushroom']
    Outofstock = ['Beef', 'Pork', 'Onions']
    wanttoppings_q = input('Do you want toppings on your pizza? Yes/No ')
    wanttoppings_q = wanttoppings_q.title()
    while wanttoppings_q == 'Yes':
        requestedtopping = input('Enter One Topping: ')
        anythingelse = input('Anything Else? Yes/No ')
        anythingelse = anythingelse.title()
        if anythingelse == 'No':