I'm creating support for db2 database in my library and I have code that works on multiple SQL database that supports jdbc
But db2 is giving me an issue when trying to use existing codebase when trying to insert to database table with prepared statement like this...
INSERT INTO main.Parent (col) VALUES (?);
I got error like this...
Caused by: com.urosjarc.dbmessiah.exceptions.EngineException: Failed to process insert results from:
INSERT INTO main.Parent (col) VALUES (?);
1) col: VARCHAR = '-1934310868'
Caused by: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, SQLERRMC=;;ent (col) VALUES (?);<space>, DRIVER=4.33.31
The jdbc side is standard and I know it should be working...
var ps: PreparedStatement? = null
var rs: ResultSet? = null
var rs2: ResultSet? = null
//Execute query
try {
//Prepare statement
ps = conn.prepareStatement(query.sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)
//Custom logic for inserting values to result set...
ps.setString(1, "asdf")
//Get info
val numUpdates = ps.executeUpdate()
//If no updates happend close all
if (numUpdates == 0) {
this.closeAll(ps = ps)
return null
//Continue with getting ids for inserts
} catch (e: Throwable) {
this.closeAll(ps = ps)
throw EngineException(msg = "Failed to process insert results from: $query", cause = e)
If I run the same query over jetbrains idea db console
INSERT INTO main.Parent (col) VALUES (?);
The insertion is working...
I'm using jdbc driver...
What is going on here?
Remove the ;
at the end of the statement.
JDBC doesn't support multiple statements and ;
is the statement delimiter. So it will lead in an error.