I am currently running code in my c# program to upload FidderCore Captures to MediaFire for remote storage. I have several questions:
2.) Since the file name changes; how can I upload these files that'll either obtain it's name first or except the files without knowing the names. Please note; the function does work if I'm setting the file names to be static and in a designated location; from wherever the current application is located. Here is my current code:
public async void UPLOADER()
var listfiles = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments;
var moveinto = Path.Combine(listfiles + "FiddlerCore" + "Captures");
using var client = new Client(new ClientSettings());
// Login
await client.Login("Email", "PASSWORD");
// Get user info
//var userInfo = await client.UserGetInfo();
// Get folder content
//var folderContent = await client.FolderGetContent(Client.RootFolderKey, contentType: FolderContentType.Folders);
// Create a folder
//var newFolderKey = await client.FolderCreate(Client.RootFolderKey, name: "test");
// Delete a folder
//var folderDelete = await client.FolderDelete(new[] { newFolderKey });
// Purge a folder
//await client.FolderPurge(new[] { newFolderKey });
// Get file info
//var info = (await client.FileGetInfo(filePath: "/Documents/test.mp3"))?.ToList();
// Get file direct download link
//var links = await client.DownloadDirectLink(new[] { info[0].QuickKey });
//var url = links.First().DirectDownload;
// Upload a file
using (var fs = new FileStream("test.mp3", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
//await client.UploadSimple(fs, "audio/mpeg", "test.mp3", fs.Length, path: "/Music");
// Logout
await client.Logout();
I've tried setting a var to that location; and then calling that location. When doing so; the application crashes. I am needing help.
public async void UPLOADER()
var listfiles = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var moveinto = Path.Combine(listfiles, "FiddlerCore", "Captures");
//GetFiles on DirectoryInfo returns a FileInfo object.
var pdfFiles = new DirectoryInfo(moveinto).GetFiles("*.htm");
//FileInfo has a Name property that only contains the filename part.
var name = pdfFiles[0].Name;
using var client = new Client(new ClientSettings());
// Login
await client.Login("Email", "Password");
// Get user info
//var userInfo = await client.UserGetInfo();
// Get folder content
//var folderContent = await client.FolderGetContent(Client.RootFolderKey, contentType: FolderContentType.Folders);
// Create a folder
//var newFolderKey = await client.FolderCreate(Client.RootFolderKey, name: "test");
// Delete a folder
//var folderDelete = await client.FolderDelete(new[] { newFolderKey });
// Purge a folder
//await client.FolderPurge(new[] { newFolderKey });
// Get file info
//var info = (await client.FileGetInfo(filePath: "/Documents/test.mp3"))?.ToList();
// Get file direct download link
//var links = await client.DownloadDirectLink(new[] { info[0].QuickKey });
//var url = links.First().DirectDownload;
// Upload a file
using var fs = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
await client.UploadSimple(fs, "audio/mpeg", name, fs.Length, path: "/Documents");
// Logout
await client.Logout();