Why does the following program code output the value -32 to the console?
int num = 0xFFFFFFE;
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
num = num << 1;
The program produces the following result:
I know that when the binary digit is shifted to the highest (31st) position, the value becomes negative.
I can't quite figure out why -32. Why not -16 or -8, namely the result is -32?
I would be glad if you could explain this to me in more detail. If you can accompany the answer with images, it will be just great.
I hope my question is not stupid.
This doesn't really have to do with the bit shiting as such. Java uses two's complement to represent negative numbers and the last shift makes num
0xFFFFFFE0 // 11111111111111111111111111100000 in binary representation
which is -32 using two's complement. You can remove the bitshifts and observe the same output:
int num = 0xFFFFFFE0;
System.out.println(num); // -32