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Third party Jar pom.xml

We have a third party jar sitting in internal maven artifactory. We have to wrap it as docker image and persist in a docker registry. We have CI process in place to build a maven project and wrap it with docker and deploy it. But in this case, there is no additional java build process required as its a runnable 3rd party jar.

I know as part of CI step, we can do this and then continue to docker build

mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=<org:artifact:version> -DoutputDirectory=<Path>/target

But this needs a custom CI step just to accommodate this. Question: Is there anyway that we can avoid this special CI step, probably by using a dummy wrapper pom.xml to download the thirdparty jar and make it as the build output.

Not married to maven, it can be gradle too.


  • The "copy" part seems to be trivial: you just need to add corresponding maven-dependency-plugin configuration to pom.xml and assign proper lifecycle phase to copy goal, for example, the configuration below:


    causes maven to copy required jar into target directory during build lifecycle.

    As regards to "mark third party jar as the build output" part, there are a couple of options:

    I. basically, you may unpack third party jar into classes directory and ask maven-jar-plugin do not create manifest:


    II. another option is to trick maven build via disabling maven-jar-plugin and modifying project's state using gmavenplus-plugin:

    project.artifact.file = new File("${}/${}.jar")