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Trouble with a VBA Loop

I am running a loop that is modifying copied data and scanning for unnecessary rows. I think the code is really close but I must have something out of place here:

Dim DeleteRowData As Long
Dim DeleteRowCounter As Long
DeleteRowData = Cells(Rows.Count, 3)

Set DataSheet = Sheets("Class Data")
Set TransType = DataSheet.Range(DataSheet.[C1], DataSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp))
For DeleteRowCounter = DeleteRowData To 1 Step -1
If Cells(DeleteRowCounter, 3) = "TYP" Then
End If

What is happening currently is that the macro is skipping this section of code even when there are lines that have "TYP" in column C

If Cells(DeleteRowCounter, 3) = "TYP" Then
End If

Can someone help me correct this?


    1. This doesn't find the last row correctly:

      DeleteRowData = Cells(Rows.Count, 3)

      This returns the value of the very last cell in column C on the active sheet. That cell is likely empty, making DeleteRowData equal to 0. Therefore the loop never runs.

    2. Specify the parent Worksheet for all Rows and Cells calls.

      Dim DeleteRowData As Long
      Dim DeleteRowCounter As Long
      Set DataSheet = Sheets("Class Data")
      With DataSheet
           DeleteRowData = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
           For DeleteRowCounter = DeleteRowData To 1 Step -1
                If .Cells(DeleteRowCounter, 3).Value = "TYP" Then
                End iF
       End With
    1. If "contains" means that TYP is part (but not necessarily all) of the cell content, then replace
      If .Cells(DeleteRowCounter, 3).Value = "TYP" Then 
      If InStr(.Cells(DeleteRowCounter, 3).Value, "TYP") > 0 Then
      If .Cells(DeleteRowCounter, 3).Value Like "*TYP*"