I have a GWT applications that contains Products and Experts, and one Product can have multiple Experts (OneToMany relationship). I have some trouble mixing and combining the requests using two entities that are related:
The ProductProxy looks like this:
public interface ProductProxy extends EntityProxy {
Long getId();
public String getName();
public void setName(String name);
EntityProxyId<ProductProxy> stableId();
Set<ExpertProxy> getExperts();
I have a Dialog that can edit the Product, so it does a:
ProductProxy selectedProduct; // This comes from a function that delivered all products
productRequest = MyAplication.getRequestFactory().productRequest();
this.product = productRequest.edit(selectedProduct);
When editing the product, you can also add experts to this product:
public interface ExpertProxy extends EntityProxy {
public Long getId();
public void setId(Long id);
public ProductProxy getProduct();
public void setProduct(ProductProxy product);
I have a separate DialogBox that appears for it. Inside this dialog box, I try to create an expert with the product that is edited before passed on as parameter:
expertRequest = MyApplication.getRequestFactory().expertRequest();
ExpertProxy expert = expertRequest.create(ExpertProxy.class);
expert.setProduct(product); // product comes from the productRequest code
If I try this out, I get an error when doing the setProduct, because the request from productRequest is mixed with a request from expertRequest.
What's the best way to fix this? Can I add an expert via the original productRequest? Should I get the Id from the product and only use this in my Expert Request? Or should I add specific Server functions to add an expert to a product? Or are there better options?
Yes, you should use the same RequestContext
instance for all your edits/creates.
Each RequestContext
accumulates operations (new proxies and setters called on proxies) and invocations (service method calls) to be replayed on the server. This is all sent as a batch when you fire()
. So your ExpoertProxy
must be created from the same RequestContext
as the ProductProxy
you add it to.