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jsonata capitalize recursive object keys

i need to capitalize recursively the object keys

    "alpha": {
      "type": "triangle"
    "beta": {
      "type": "cube",

expected result the same but with capitalized keys in all objects:

    "Alpha": {
      "Type": "triangle"
    "Beta": {
      "Type": "cube",

so far i have following jsonata transformation:

    $norm := function($o) {(
        $t := $type($o);
        $t = "object" ? $merge($each($o, function($v,$k) {
            { $uppercase($substring($k,0,1)) & $substring($k,1) : $norm($v) }
        $t = "array" ? $o.($norm($))

result is close to what i need but something wrong with last array:

    "Alpha": {
      "Type": "triangle"
    "Beta": {
      "Type": "cube",
      "NextedArr": [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    "Aaa": 1

appreciate any help to achieve the goal


  • Due to how JSONata handles sequences, there are certain expressions when an array of arrays would be flattened by default.

    In your case, it's the $o.($norm($)) expression.

    There are probably other ways to solve it, but I've noticed myself that if I use the $map function instead of the map operator, the flattening does not happen:

    $map($o, function($i) {$norm($i)}) or just $map($o, $norm)

    Here's the full expression:

        $norm := function($o) {(
            $t := $type($o);
            $t = "object" ? $merge($each($o, function($v,$k) {
                { $uppercase($substring($k,0,1)) & $substring($k,1) : $norm($v) }
            $t = "array" ? $map($o, $norm})

    Check it out on the Stedi playground: