i need to capitalize recursively the object keys
"alpha": {
"type": "triangle"
"beta": {
"type": "cube",
expected result the same but with capitalized keys in all objects:
"Alpha": {
"Type": "triangle"
"Beta": {
"Type": "cube",
so far i have following jsonata transformation:
$norm := function($o) {(
$t := $type($o);
$t = "object" ? $merge($each($o, function($v,$k) {
{ $uppercase($substring($k,0,1)) & $substring($k,1) : $norm($v) }
$t = "array" ? $o.($norm($))
result is close to what i need but something wrong with last array:
"Alpha": {
"Type": "triangle"
"Beta": {
"Type": "cube",
"NextedArr": [ 1, 2, 3 ]
"Aaa": 1
appreciate any help to achieve the goal
Due to how JSONata handles sequences, there are certain expressions when an array of arrays would be flattened by default.
In your case, it's the $o.($norm($))
There are probably other ways to solve it, but I've noticed myself that if I use the $map
function instead of the map operator, the flattening does not happen:
$map($o, function($i) {$norm($i)})
or just $map($o, $norm)
Here's the full expression:
$norm := function($o) {(
$t := $type($o);
$t = "object" ? $merge($each($o, function($v,$k) {
{ $uppercase($substring($k,0,1)) & $substring($k,1) : $norm($v) }
$t = "array" ? $map($o, $norm})
Check it out on the Stedi playground: https://stedi.link/9R5rKgs