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Highcharts tilemap - prevent item hiding

I'm creating a JS project using Highcharts lib (tilemap component). It now looks like this: enter image description here

colorAxis: {  // colors of my categories
        dataClasses: [{
            from: 1,
            to: 1,
            color: '#828ee3',
            name: 'Субъекты организации и ее представительств'
        }, {
            from: 2,
            to: 2,
            color: '#febf10',
            name: 'Прибыли в субъект из организации'
        }, {
            from: 3,
            to: 3,
            color: '#6fcf97',
            name: 'Прибыли в организацию из субъекта'

Unlike other map chart, when i click on a legend item, some items disappear from map: enter image description here

I was able do disable legend click, but is it possible to chage the tile color instead of fully hiding it?
Code source here


  • You can overwrite the behaviour of the setVisible method for tilemap points by adding the below plugin.

    (function(H) {
        function(proceed, vis) {
          const point = this;
          if (!point.orginalColor) {
            point.orginalColor = point.color;
          if (vis) {
            point.color = point.orginalColor;
          } else {
            point.color = 'red';

    Live demo:
