I have the following dumbed down datasets, and want to replace the 1:70728:C:T
with rs123456
a<- data.frame(ID=c(3,44),SNP=c("1:70728:C:T","1:612758:T:C "),effect_allele.outcome=c("C","T"), other_allele.outcome=c("T","C"), eaf.outcome=c(0.997843,0.993087), beta.outcome=c(0.03372300,-0.00728038), se.outcome=c(0.0250305, 0.0139970), pval.outcome=c(0.19,0.60), outcome=c("outcome","outcome"))
b <- data.frame(SNP=c("1:70728:C:T"), rsID=c("rs123456"))
I tried doing the following
insomnia_chr_pos %>%
mutate(SNP = case_when((SNP==matched_mild$SNP) ~ matched_mild$rsid,
(SNP==matched_hosp$SNP) ~ matched_hosp$rsid,
(SNP==matched_sevr$SNP) ~ matched_sevr$rsid))
But I get this error:
Error in `mutate()`: ℹ In argument: `SNP = case_when(...)`. Caused by error in `case_when()`: ! Can't recycle `..1 (left)` (size 27697) to match `..1 (right)` (size 85).
the dataset with size 27697 corresponds with a, and the one size 85 corresponds with b.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Many thanks!
It seems that what you want to do is join the tables.
In your example this would mean doing a left join like so:
joined <- a %>%
left_join(b, by = "SNP")
From your example code I understand that you want to join three tables and keep every match with SNP.
If the three tables have the same columns you can do a simply bind the rows together with:
bind_rows(b, c, d)
Then you can do the join as above.
If they don't have the same columns, you can join all of them to insomnia_chr_pos and then create a new column with mutate where you keep every record from the three joined columns that is not NA.