I have a simple sql that I am trying to add a custom aggregate by taking the sum of two columns and dividing the values against each other. Here is a planned equation
round((sum(col1)/sum(col2))*100,2) = new_col_footer
Doing this in a query would be easy with a union all but will not work in this case due to if a end user starts filtering the report, that union all calculated row could not reflect or correctly or become filtered out from view. Here is a screen shot of what I am trying to do. Thank you in advance for any guidance.
What I am trying to show as ig is filtered
I tried applying some of the agg functions but it appears by default an interactive grid does not have a way to accomplish this by default.
Event > After Refresh
.Execute JavaScript Code
and below codes#If you are using Interactive Report;
var col_1=0, col_2=0, col_3=0;
$('#report_id .a-IRR-table tbody tr:last-child').each(function(){
col_1 = $(this).find('td[headers="col_1"] .a-IRR-aggregate-value').text();
col_1 = parseInt(col_1.replace(/,/g,''),10);
col_2 = $(this).find('td[headers="col_2"] .a-IRR-aggregate-value').text();
col_2 = parseInt(col_2.replace(/,/g,''),10);
col_3 = (col_1/col_2)*100;
If you are using Classic Report, update the CSS class accordingly.