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Looping through an array and editing worksheets

After importing some csv files into my Excel workbook as individual sheets, I now need to do a little clean up on them (auto-sizing the columns and rows). There can be be up to a total of 20 different reports that get imported, but not all of them will be imported, simply because the report did not get generated.

Checking the site, I found a function that I think will work well, and it was part of a piece of code that was close to what I was looking for.

Sub Cleanup()
    Dim AllReportsArray As Variant
    AllReportsArray = Array("SiteDepartmentReport", "SiteCAGroupsReport", _
    "SiteInstantAlertFieldsGroupsReport", "SiteConfigurationParametersReport", "SiteEventSpecsReport", _
    "SiteGatewaysReport", "SiteCustomPropertiesReport", "SiteHealthcareZonesReport", "SiteCategoriesReport", _
    "SiteStructureReport", "SiteCustomizedValuesReport", "SiteInstantAlertFieldsReport", _
    "SiteBusinessStatusReport", "SiteUsersReport", "SiteRolesReport", "SiteExcitersReport", "SiteZonesReport", _
    Dim report As Variant
    For Each report In Sheets(AllReportsArray)
    Next report

End Sub

As always, any help given is always appreciated. Thanks


  • Pls try.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Cleanup()
        Dim AllReportsArray As Variant
        AllReportsArray = Array("SiteDepartmentReport", "SiteCAGroupsReport", _
        "SiteInstantAlertFieldsGroupsReport", "SiteConfigurationParametersReport", "SiteEventSpecsReport", _
        "SiteGatewaysReport", "SiteCustomPropertiesReport", "SiteHealthcareZonesReport", "SiteCategoriesReport", _
        "SiteStructureReport", "SiteCustomizedValuesReport", "SiteInstantAlertFieldsReport", _
        "SiteBusinessStatusReport", "SiteUsersReport", "SiteRolesReport", "SiteExcitersReport", "SiteZonesReport", _
        Dim report As Worksheet, i As Long
        For i = LBound(AllReportsArray) To UBound(AllReportsArray)
            Set report = Nothing        
            On Error Resume Next
            Set report = Sheets(AllReportsArray(i))
            On Error GoTo 0
            If Not report Is Nothing Then
                With report.UsedRange
                End With
            End If
    End Sub

    • If you are going to cleanup all worksheets.
    Sub Cleanup2()
        Dim report As Worksheet
        For Each report In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            With report.UsedRange
            End With
    End Sub

    • If you only want to cleanup some sheets, eg. all sheets' name starts with "Site". ( Same idea as @Siddharth Rout comment)
    Sub Cleanup3()
        Dim report As Worksheet
        Const KEYWORD = "Site"
        For Each report In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            If StrComp(Left(report.Name, Len(KEYWORD)), KEYWORD, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                With report.UsedRange
                End With
            End If
    End Sub