Let's assume I have a snakemake rule like this:
rule test:
input: "{mywildcard}"
output: "{mywildcard}.txt"
shell: "some command {input} > {output}"
In order to get the output file, I would like to remove the last extension inside my {mywildcard} first which might look like this "A.tar".
My output should be "A.txt". How can I do this with a dynamic approach in Snakemake without modifying my wildcard in the input directive?
I thought about using
output: os.path.splitext("{mywildcard}")[0] + ".txt"
But this approach does not work with the Snakemake wildcards.
Snakemake works from output to input files. It can be a little confusing at first, but you request outputs and snakemake determines what inputs it needs. In your case, I think you want the extension of the input to also be used in the rule?
rule test:
input: "{mywildcard}.tar"
output: "{mywildcard}.txt"
shell: "some command {input} > {output}"
That will work, if you need the value of {mywildcard}.tar
you can reference it with {input}
in your shell command. If you have a more exotic use case please update your question.